How BOSAQ turned wastewater into premium drinking water with the industrial Q-Drop

A complete circular water loop inside a Restaurant near Kortrijk - A First in Flanders and Europe.


The Gust’eaux restaurant in Kuurne (Belgium) recently partnered with BOSAQTuincreatie IgodtVlakwa and Ghent University to establish a new way to produce, use and drink water.

The restaurant now provides its visitors with high-quality drinking water produced from their wastewater. The drinking water cycle is now completely circular, a world-first!


From the 11th of October, visitors of the Gust’eaux Restaurant in Kuurne will be able to drink locally sourced drinking water also known as Lab’O water or the beer made out of this very water. We partnered altogether to inform the world about the importance of locally sourced water and reuse for a more sustainable future.

The pre-treatment is shown on the infographic 1…

Infographic 1: The ECOZ plant filter.

The wastewater is purified by a percolation field with plants (Ecoz Plant-filter system). The water coming out of this system can be used for low-value applications (e. g. flush toilets) and also complies with safety standards to be released into the environment.

Figure 1: A prototype of our industrial water purification system with our water Engineer, Joachim Desloover.

But the restaurant takes it a step further as the water is then made potable through our modular system, the Q-Drop displayed on figure 1, which is capable of producing first quality drinking water from different types of water (salt water, surface water and rainwater).

Our technology allows us to produce quality drinking water at anytime from anywhere.

The installation consists of an initial pre-filtration system, an ultrafiltration system followed by reverse osmosis and a final polishing and remineralization step that gives our customer the choice to adapt the taste of the water to his needs. Our system has a flow rate of 150 l/h, a daily production of 2m³ of drinking water.

 Figure 2: Our technology

This water is used for cooking, for brewing the triple Gust’eaux and is also served in bottles under the name of “Lab’O” to customers.

Read the full article of Aquarama to Learn More

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